- There are currently 9286 homes for sale.
- In the last 30 days 685 homes sold.
- That means only 7% of homes on the market sold last month.
- There were 3246 homes that came on the market in the last 30 days.
- There is a 13.5 month supply of homes on the market right now.
- There were 15% more homes listed in the last 7 days than compared to what sold in the last 30 days.
These statistics are startling. Looking at these numbers we know that we are in a fast depreciating market. We are seeing 1-2% depreciation in every area of my market place. I predict that we will be in this declining market for at least 18 months and I don't see values hitting the peak that we saw last spring for another 5 years.
This down market has many positive sides to it, like:
- Not anyone can sell real estate, it takes skills to price a home ahead of the market, to stage a home, and to sell the home.
- If you are looking to move up, this is the perfect market to do so. You will get a better price on your home now than ever before.
- The Federal Reserve has been dropping interest rates dramatically to combat what they are calling the 'worst housing slup' this nation has ever seen.
- Sellers are desperate for a great agent to help them know how to sell their home now vs. waiting a few more months and getting less.